вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Well, I said myself: " Dear, you don't write here a long time, but now it's time". So, I beginn.
 Once I desided I'll be learn languages every day and all together. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays I learn English, on Thuerhday I learn Germany, on Friedays I learn Spanish, on Saturdays I learn Itallian and Sandays I have a stockdays for languages when I'll be busy. How to say the poliglot Dmitry Petrov it's possible. And I belive him. And I desided to have this day a traditional dishes on my lunch. It'll be traditional dishes of country wich language I'm learning in this day. And I'll try to use this language as can as more: to listen music, to watch movies and etc... And last week I begann this my projekt already, but only I begann learning languages, and everythings else will be later, this week...